Shelf Life
Q: What is the "official" shelf life of the epoxy consolidant and patch filler?
What is the practical shelf life? And what can I do to extend the shelf life?
May 05, 2007
A: The "official" shelf life is one year. The practical shelf life is two or more years. To extend the shelf life, keep containers sealed, warm & don't allow A or B to freeze. If you have old epoxy & want to know if it is still good, try the following:
1. Check the resin A for crystallization. If crystals have formed or resin is very cloudy, gently heat with a hair dryer, heat gun or hot plate, stirring until clear. Work in a ventilated space, don't overheat, stir while heating & turn off heat just prior to resin being clear. Continue stirring until clear, then cool to room temperature.
2. Measure a small portion of A & B according to the ratio written on the label or technical data sheet. Mix as directed & set aside. If you get a full cure w/in a few days, the epoxy should be good to use.
-Paul Marlowe
ConServ Epoxy LLC Owner
December 16, 2007
Re: Shelf Life
I have used 3 year old ConServ Epoxy 500 when that was available as well as ConServ 200 that was three years old for work like log crown installation and patching. Materials were kept at room temp all the time except when cans were in the field where temps. fluctuated between 60 and 90F degrees. No failures at this point.
- Categories:
- Epoxy Storage/Shelf Life
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