Verge Board Repair
June 17, 2008
Q: I was wondering if the ConServ Epoxy products would stabilize my verge board. It is 140 years old and is 1 inch pine. There is some rot in it and some warping. Is it possible to apply the products to the verge board without taking it down? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
June 18, 2008
Re: Verge board repair
Those are some fancy verge boards! I expect that the wood-epoxy repairs methods can be used with the boards in place; we do it all the time. If you can post some close up photos showing conditions we can help you further.
-John Leeke
June 24, 2008
A: Bryan,
The CSE epoxies #100 consolidant and #200 patch should work very well on your antique verge board. If access is good it should be able to be restored in place. You will need to consider whether borates are necessary. These are generally applied after the wood preparation phase is complete. This would kill any decay fungus living deep inside the remaining wood. The wood then needs to be dried below 20% moisture prior to applying the epoxy.
I agree with John that photos would be helpful as well as a pleasure to see.
-Paul Marlowe
ConServ Epoxy LLC Owner
- Categories:
- Repairs and Restoration with Epoxy
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